Alena Hrčková
She graduated in andragogy at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Comenius University in Bratislava in 1992. She worked with mentally disabled youth and adults in the DSS for children and adults in Bratislava.
She founded and managed a clothing design company in Žilina for 7 years, focusing on individual advice in clothing and building personal style, where she implemented programs to improve appearance, knowledge and compliance with work and social etiquette. She led trainings aimed at developing communication and presentation skills and solving conflict situations.
She is interested in the psychological health of a person, in the effects on his/her structure and stability. She expanded her education by specializing in intensive long-term psychotherapy training (training in Deep Psychodynamic Psychotherapy led by SIPP in Pezinok, EMDR training in Trenčín - focused on the treatment of disorders and the consequences of psychotrauma, EMDR for children and adolescents, EMDR and Family Therapy). She also completed short-term SIPE trainings - work with traumatized and dissociative clients using short solution-oriented therapy and KIP - catathymic imaginative psychotherapy.
Alena also participates in supervision and training in Intensive short-term dynamic psychotherapy. She is a member of SIPE (Slovak Institute for Psychotraumatology) and registered in the List of EMDR psychotherapists of the Slovak Republic.
She completed the study of NLP neurolinguistic programming, implemented by the NLP International Center in Prague (Certificate P31-Ba-03).
Since 2009, he has been running a private counseling and psychotherapy practice in Bratislava.